Friday, April 30, 2010

Rockin' Molly

Here are a couple recent videos of Molly. The first one is of her bopping to her musical card which she is a big fan of.

Here is another of Molly showing off her baby muscles. The funny thing is she won't yet walk on her own. She usually always wants to hold our hand, the couch etc....I guess the chair counts as holding on to something in her mind.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Track Meet

Molly and I took advantage of the nice afternoon yesterday to cheer on her Uncle Matt's track team. Here Molly gets a feel for the baton so that one day she can anchor the relay team.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Red Bellied Woodpecker

The Orioles have not arrived yet but the Red Bellied Woodpecker is a frequent visitor to the oranges that we put out.
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Happy Easter!

You really can't beat a photo collage to capture the spirit of the day. (click on collage for larger version)
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Saturday, April 3, 2010

Brand New World

Between the nice weather and becoming more mobile it is like a brand new world for Molly outside right now. (click on collage to see larger)

Thursday, April 1, 2010


Today we had a high of 69 and suppose to be in the 70s the next two days. I think that spring has hopefully officially sprung. We have numerous spring birds wing blackbirds, robins, grackles, killdeer, bluebirds etc. Daffodils, tulips, and bleeding hearts are starting to poke through the ground as well. I also heard spring peepers for the first time this morning. Looking back at my old posts I see that last year I first heard them on March 30th.
One of the only bad signs of spring is that I found a tick on me this afternoon after being outside working in the yard for awhile.