Monday, October 12, 2009

Kibby Pond

This past weekend Natalie and I went on an overnight camping trip to Kibby Pond which is just north of the town of Wells on Route 8. Weather was overcast and in the upper 40s near 50 when we set out on the 1.9 mile hike. After a stream crossing which rivaled a challenge on Survivor we were off. The trail starts out by gaining near 600 feet in elevation but our little backpacking companions only required one real break on the way in. Natalie and Scout each carried their own packs as well. The campsite by the pond was large enough for our three tents along with a fire pit. We hung around camp, drank hot cocoa, cooked dinner then sat around the fire gazing at the stars until we all turned in around 8:30 pm. We fell asleep to the sounds of owls and geese flying overhead. We awoke shortly after 7am, ate a small breakfast, packed up and hiked back out. Good times had by all. I got home shortly after noon. Natalie collapsed by the wood stove where she pretty much remained the rest of the day. I figure she does at least double the mileage of the rest of us with all the running ahead and back she does.

Mark, Uncle Jim, Aunt Kathyrn, Nathan, Eric, Matt, Natalie and Scout.
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